Confidently read and play the notes on your music...without the frustration.
Tired of sheet music NOT clicking? By the end of this workshop, you'll have an easy, stress-free way to read and remember that you can start playing your sheet music with confidence!
"What was this note again? UGH! I know that I've seen it before! Why can't I remember?"
You know that if you scribble in the note name you'll be able to remember but still...
Note reading feels so slow & frustrating.
What if instead of feeling frustrated or lost, you felt:
✴ excited to sit down & read and play music!
✴ like you could easily remember which key was which
✴ excited at the possibility of all the new songs you can play because you can read music easily (wooohooo!!)
What if reading + playing sheet music felt FUN?
You can read the notes in your music without feeling frustrated or confused.
The Simplified Note Reading Workshop
The 6 day online workshop that will teach you the fastest + easiest way to read (and actually remember!) the notes in your music.
Learn the exact method for how to read the notes in your music WITHOUT memorizing every note, doing endless flashcards, or trying to remember acronyms.
Start applying this method & making it stick by getting lots of practice reading & playing new music inside the workshop.
With the "Beginner Sheet Music Bundle" and "The Song Toolkit", get instant access to easy, beginner-friendly music you can start playing using this EASIER way of reading music!
Hey! I'm Brianne. And I'm obsessed with reading sheet music.
I believe that EVERYONE has the ability to read & play sheet music.
But not only that:
I believe that it doesn't have to feel hard or frustrating.
Learning how to quickly & easily read sheet music is what changed my entire experience with music, because it meant that I could play any song that I wanted on the piano.
After teaching 100+ beginners how to read & play sheet music, I've discovered THE method for faster & easier note reading.
And it's about to completely change the way that you see sheet music.
Okay so at this point you *might* be thinking:
"I've tried learning before, but even when I practice, note reading never seems to get easier..."
Psssss, hey, there's actually a reason why you're struggling to read the notes in your music.
Most note reading methods will ONLY teach you how to READ THE NOTES.
But you don't just need to know how to read the notes.
You need to know how to READ and PLAY at the same time. And that's different than simply naming notes.
I want to show you how you can read AND play at the same that reading the notes in your sheet music MAKES SENSE and even feels fun!
Will this really take me just 6 days?
↓ click on each day to see more about what you'll learn ↓
This whole method is built on ONE concept: you only need to know 8 notes.
On the first day, you'll learn the 4 notes that your RH needs to know and the 4 notes your LH needs to know. Then, you'll get comfortable reading & playing these notes by playing music that only uses these notes. (This day is divided into 2 parts so if you want to break it into 2 days, you can!)
Okay, so by this point you know how to read & play the 8 notes hands separately.
Now we're going to start reading & playing music that slowly combines using all the 8 notes. Don't worry, we'll still be keeping it short, easy & fun as I show you step-by-step how to play 3 songs that uses just these notes!
At this point you've learned the 8 notes. You've even started "sight reading" some simple songs that use these 8 notes with both hands. But still...
In order for it to feel easy, you've got to have those 8 notes reinforced by getting practice reading & playing NEW MUSIC. In Day 3, you're going to get even MORE PRACTICE sight reading new music that has just these 8 notes. And hey, in case you thought the songs were going to be boring & uninspiring....I think you're gonna be pretty impressed with the music you're making!
At this point you've learned the 8 notes. You've started "sight reading" some simple songs that use these 8 notes with both hands, and you're feeling pretty good about it!
But now? We've got to bring it home & MAKE IT STICK.
In Day 4, you're going to get even MORE PRACTICE sight reading new music that has just these 8 notes. As you go, you'll probably start feeling like they're getting easier to read & play. YAY!!!! It's a great feeling!
Now that you're comfortable reading music that uses just the 8 "landmark" notes, it's time to start learning how these notes will help you read the OTHER notes in your music even faster.
On Day 5, you're going to learn the TRUE SECRET to reading the notes in ANY song faster & easier. You'll learn exactly how to use the distances between the notes to quickly identify which key to play. No fumbling around or scratching your head to figure out what to play. This is the day when the "map" of music truly starts to MAKE SENSE 🎉
On Day 6, THIS IS WHERE IT GETS REAL! You're going to take everything that you've learned so far and put it into action by reading NEW MUSIC that uses notes outside of just the 8 landmark notes.
But don't worry, you'll know exactly how to read & play the notes that you see in your music using what you've learned on the previous days! P.S. you will *probably* feel quite impressed with your ability to sight read at this point! And to think, it's only been 6 days 😍
Now that you're starting to read the notes faster and easier, it's time to start playing some songs that you recognize! In this BONUS BUNDLE, you'll find PDF sheet music for several beginner-friendly, classic songs that you'll be able to read & play. You can use this bundle to learn & polish for your piano playlist OR return to it for sight reading practice whenever you need something new to read & play.
Ready to learn more songs that you love on the piano? In this toolkit, you'll find quick links to beginner-friendly arrangements of popular songs! P.S. Beginner-friendly songs that *actually* sound good.
No need to search endlessly on the internet for sheet music that feels easy enough for your level, simply find a song from the toolkit that you want to learn, click on the link to try out the level, and download the sheet music! (Please note: each copy of sheet music must be purchased separately).
"Start From Scratch" Guide
Need a refresher of the very basics of the piano? This guide will teach you the basics of beginner piano technique, finger numbers, names of the keys, as well as beginner rhythm. Please note: if you are an absolute beginner at the piano, you might consider joining PLAY as an alternative in order to get comfortable with the basics FIRST.
The Beginner Bundle
Collection of easy, beginner-friendly sheet music for classic songs. Use this to play for fun or as sight reading practice!
The Song Playing Toolkit
Want to play songs that you love but never sure if the arrangement will be easy enough for you or if it will even sound good? This Song Toolkit will be your best friend. Easily access a huge collection of beginner-friendly sheet music that I've hand selected! [Note: individual sheet music must be purchased separately]
Frequently asked questions....
Do I need a piano or keyboard?
YES! Each day has several practice songs that you'll need to be able to play on an actual piano or keyboard. It doesn't have to be fancy! Just something functional to get started on :)
I'm brand new to the piano! Is this for me?
While The Simplified Note Reading Workshop is designed with the beginner piano learner in mind, if you are an absolute beginner with NO previous piano knowledge, you may consider starting instead with my other beginner program "30 DAY PIANO." It will introduce you to the piano & playing in a slower way so that you feel comfortable on the keys BEFORE reading music. (PLAY also includes all of the content from The Simplified Note Reading Workshop)
Will I learn how to read & count rhythm?
In the "Start from Scratch Guide" you will learn how to read & count basic rhythms that will be helpful for you as you read the beginner song exercises in the workshop. If you need more in-depth lessons on various rhythms, you may consider joining my online piano program "PLAY." It will teach you more in-depth rhythm that you will find in beginner piano music.
I already play the piano, but struggle to read music. Is this for me?
If you struggle to read & play the notes in your music, then YES, the Simplified Note Reading Workshop is for you! This works for students who are self-taught OR are taking lessons with a teacher.
How long will each day take me?
While this may vary from person-to-person, the lessons & exercises are designed to only take you 15-20 minutes to complete each day.
Can I go through it twice if I need to?
Absolutely! Return to it as often as you need to help improve your skills of reading & playing the notes in your sheet music!
What's included:
Total value: $776
Join today for just $97 $49!
If you want to learn the proven, step-by-step method for how to read & play the notes in your music faster + easier, then the Simplified Note Reading Workshop is for YOU!
100% risk-free guarantee
Did I mention it’s risk-free?
Here’s the deal: this course has one purpose. To get you reading & playing the notes in your music faster + easier.
By the end of the course, you’ll see the notes in your sheet music in a whole new way. You’ll feel comfortable sitting down at the piano knowing that you now possess the method for exactly how to read & remember the notes in your music in a faster + easier way.
And if you aren’t feeling more comfortable reading & playing the notes in your music? Well, I wouldn’t feel right about keeping your money. That’s why I’m backing up my program with a "Don't Play, Don't PAY 7 Day Money Back Guarantee." If you join "The Simplified Note Reading Workshop" and it’s not helping you read the notes in your music faster, simply reach out within 7 days of purchasing and you’ll receive a full refund AND well wishes on your piano journey.
Because of the nature of digital products, this is a pretty generous refund. Don't be that person who downloads everything and then asks for a refund. It's just not cool, ok?